Wednesday, March 31, 2010

To internet or not to internet…

A few weeks ago I was talking to Maya about the possibility of getting the ability to check my email and get internet on my phone.  Just considering something like that made me feel like a traitor and heading down the slippery slope toward the land of Blackberries and iPhones.  I work at a non-profit and no one needs to contact me at the drop of a time and I check email enough as it is.  Plus, I always liked the idea of being internet and email free for at least a few hours of the day when I was away from my desk at work or not at home.  
So why am I changing my mind?  First, I’m trying to get my voiceover career moving and it seems like in the VO industry, if I wait too long to return an email, the job could be gone and offered to someone else.  An agent she said a guy took three hours to respond to her inquiry about a job and that was too long.  Three hours was too long?? Damn. If she had called the guy she probably would have had a more immediate answer, but I digress.

Second, recent events have led me to see the light about the benefits of having internet access and email on my phone.  This past weekend I chilled with JYC in Queens.  I wasn’t checking my email a lot or anything, but I knew I could if I wanted.  I went back to Mt. V on Saturday evening and tried to get on the internet to do my usual (email, FB, Gchat) and the internet wasn’t working…gasp!  It was late, so I shut down the comp and decided to try again on Sunday.  Sunday morning rolled around, and I tried once more to get on the internet and again, NO LUCK!  ARGH!!!  Clearly something was going wrong.  I texted JYC and Maya to let them know I didn’t have any internet and that I was feeling out of sorts.  There was no Pandora, no Blogger.  I actually had an idea for a blog post (these ideas don’t come that frequently) that I had to put on hold because I didn’t have the internet.

I contacted Verizon and began the process of getting our internet going again.  I cut off the power on the router, hit reset using a paperclip, waited to see if the light would change from yellow, pardon me, “amber” as the Verizon folk say, to green, and in the end they determined that it was “problem with my router.”  I questioned this because coincidentally, my mother had upgraded our internet only days before.  She hadn’t gone on the computer for three days and didn’t know that the internet wasn’t working.  Can you believe it?...she went a few days without even bothering to turn on her comp.  But I was completely reassured by Verizon that it was purely a coincidence that my internet wasn’t working…yeah, riiiiight.  I was told that I was going to get a new router by Tuesday and everything would be working fine once I set it up.

Well, it’s Tuesday night, the new router came in, I hooked it up and surprise, surprise…it didn’t fix a damn thing.  I’m writing this post in Word, then uploading it, so really it's Wednesday now.  I can only assume that Verizon is working tirelessly to fix this problem.

I can’t tell you how incapacitated I feel when at home without internet.  I wanted to check the hours of a store, thought about printing a coupon, actually wanted to do some work from home and of course, check my email and I couldn’t…I can’t!  And I don’t like it one bit.  So it’s settled, at age 29 I will creep into modern times and get internet access on my phone…I think it’ll cost me an extra 10 bucks a month.  Notice, I’m not getting a BB or an iPhone.  I don’t like the look of BB’s and I don’t want Blackberry thumb. As for the iPhone, I just don’t really do Apple stuff.  I’ve never had a Mac or an iPod, so the iPhone means little to me, but maybe I'll be singing another tune in a few years.  In the meantime, I’ll settle for a regular phone that lets me check email and do some websurfing.  I’m trying to decide which one to get, so feel free to let me know which one seems more my style. :)

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